Well, another week has gone by, and I cannot believe how fast this year is moving. We met with the Regional Executive Commissioner in Arusha to introduce MGRC to him. He requested the meeting as he said he had heard many good things about the work we were doing. He committed to visiting our site in Karatu to get a firsthand look at our progress. He indicated that the regional commissioner would also like to visit as well. We are happy to be making inroads with the top government officials in Arusha Region. It is very important that the government sees what we are doing for the community.
The local Karatu government donated two small cows for meat to our MGRC kitchen this week. They covered all costs including butchering. It is a very satisfying thing to see the community reach out and support our efforts.
We have been busy finishing the construction of the ecoFarm. All buildings are completed with some final finishing touches being made. Rabbits, pigs, chickens and cows are all doing well. We have started planting the vegetables and the nursery for shrubs. We will be planting the shrubs around the fence and internal road. Pictures and a video are posted on our Flickr website. I want to get the site construction materials cleaned up so you can see the finished work. The ecoFarm is the first phase of our sustainable plan for the girls. The next phases include a building permanent ecoHomes for our girls and an innovative self-sustaining ecoVillage. It will enable us to fully implement our plans to help MGRC girls reach a place in life where they can fully support themselves and their families. View full plan of our vision.

I am returning to the States to raise money for our ecoVillage. I am not very good at asking for help from anyone, my sin of pride is a burden that I work on constantly. I remind myself that the need is not for me but for the 54 girls residing at MGRC and the additional 60 or so we plan to support once the ecoVillage is complete. I believe our plans are a real differentiator to the typical charity model. Our goal is to teach self-sufficiency so that each girl can realize their God-given potential. MGRC wants to give every girl the same chance as we would give our own children – an academic education, life-sustaining skills, and vocational training. I will be reaching out to friends to help share our story as we seek funds to continue our mission. It is through spreading the word that we will reach people who can support our efforts.
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