A crucial part of our work at MGRC is connecting with our local community. Since our move to Karatu earlier this year, we have been building relationships with community members and government officials. As we continue to meet our neighbors and share our mission, word has spread that we are a safe place for at-risk Maasai girls.
Just in the last few months we have received wonderful donations from local people and organizations:
- A local Simba Football fan club chose MGRC as one of their 5 charity donations. They brought us washing powder, sugar and candy for the girls.
- A woman from our church asked to have her daughter’s birthday party at MGRC. She brought cakes and treats to share with the girls.
- The government gave us two cows and butchered them for us as well.
- An insurance company donated two bags of powdered soap for washing clothes.
- A local woman brought crates of tomatoes from her farm. She donates to local charities when she has an abundance. The tomatoes will last us two weeks.

We have also been able to give back to the local community in many ways:
- We donated 30 desks to Gongali Primary school, where the girls will go once we are in our permanent location. The desks were made by a local woodworker, hired by MGRC. We like to do business locally to support the community.
- We also refurbished a classroom at Gongali including refinishing the floor and painting the ceiling, walls, and exterior.
- We donated money to hook up electricity to the school’s office where the girls are currently attending – they were unable to print exams for the students.

Recently, Social Welfare brought us four girls. Three stayed with us temporarily until safe homes could be found. One girl, who ran away from a forced child marriage, will be with us permanently. She is 14 years old and will start school for first the time in January. The relationships we are developing at the social welfare office are helping to connect us with more at-risk girls who need our help – bridging the gap.
In all of these interactions we have the opportunity to teach our girls the importance of being part of a community. There are lessons to be learned in both giving and receiving. We want to empower our girls to give back and make changes in the world. And we also want them to learn the humility and grace that comes with receiving and allowing others to bless us.
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