Sponsor a girl and provide hope for the future

The harsh reality is there are no safety nets for Maasai girls – no social service organizations, no 911 emergency service, no available government aid. The girls find their way to MGRC because there is simply no other place to go. While each girl who comes to us is unique, with different histories, challenges, and experiences, they all are in desperate need of support.

Sponsorships entail a financial commitment, but as a sponsor, you offer (and receive) much more. While the MGRC staff provides the girls with a loving and healthy environment, sponsors broaden their perspective on life and instill hope for the future in various ways.

As a sponsor, you become like an extended family member, similar to a cool relative in your own life who has supported you. By sharing your activities and interests, you help them discover opportunities for themselves. Seeing their faces light up during a Zoom call warms your heart. And when they see your pride in their accomplishments, their hearts swell with joy.

a sponsor teaching a girl to play guitar

Help give an unsponsored girl a warm welcome!

As word spreads about our work, more girls escaping abuse and extreme poverty are brought to MGRC by government agencies. Your welcome gift allows us to accept and care for new girls until we are able to match them with a sponsor.