First, I would like to personally thank all of our behind-the-scenes and in-person volunteers for their time and support to the Maasai Girls Rescue Center. Because of their generosity and the generosity of so many new and faithful supporters, we were able to surpass our critical year-end fundraising goal and secure the ENTIRE $10,000 matching gift. What a wonderful way to kick off the New Year!
2019 was a year of growth for MGRC. We rescued an additional 24 at-risk girls, doubling the number of girls living full time here at the center. Our garden, goat farm, and dairy cow projects are going strong, making it possible to continue to provide nutritious and balanced meals to our growing numbers. We now support a staff of 2 full time cooks and 3 matrons, who act as surrogate mothers for the girls. YOU made this all possible!
For 2020, our goals are to close the funding gap for the number of sponsors to the number of rescued girls, to build a chicken house for the chicks that were donated, increase volunteering opportunities, and schedule some live speaking engagements for my trip back to the States this summer. If you have any ideas of churches or groups that may be interested in learning about our mission, please let me know.
Thanks for an amazing 2019, for your kindness, support, and generosity. Together, we are directly and positively impacting the lives of the girls at Maasai Girls Rescue Center.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year.
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