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New van, new dresses, new visitors

TOH dressskirts

Well, it has been an interesting week or so. First, we received our new (used) van from Japan. First time I ever bought a vehicle without test driving or having my mechanic inspect it, but that is how one does it here in Tanzania. The van was great for the first two weeks then the engine controller went bad. The van has been at the repair shop for a week now waiting on parts. Hopefully we will be able to drive it next week. 

Two suitcases arrived from Threads of Hope (TOH), an organization in Scottsdale, filled with new dresses and skirts for the MGRC girls The house mothers took the girls’ measurements and sent them to TOH for sizing. We are so blessed to have such dedicated and wonderful volunteers. The girls loved them!

My granddaughter, along with three other recent high school graduates are visiting for the month to meet the MGRC girls and go on Safari’s. The girls arrived safely but a bit tired from the long journey. The MGRC girls were waiting excitedly for them and warmly greeted them upon their arrival. The visitors were just as excited to see them.  It is a very festive time when we get visitors. The MGRC girls are out on school break for the entire time the visitors are here. It works out perfectly as the girls get to spend all day with the visitors. The girls are so curious about how people from other cultures live. The time they spend with outsiders teaches them more in a few weeks than we can in a year. The interchange between girls from other countries is invaluable. I believe the visitors will have a life changing experience as well. My granddaughter will attest to what I just stated. She visited two years ago and not only came back after graduation but brought along a school mate. The adventure of Tanzania safaris is great but the personal involvement in a girl from a developing country is a lesson of a lifetime. 

The ecoFarm building construction is winding down. We are estimating the initial build of barn, staff housing, guard shack, fence and infrastructure will be completed in two weeks. We have added additional fencing to keep the cows out of the gardens and fencing to allow the layer chickens a place to exercise outside of the chicken coop. We are now planning to build our hydroponic fodder house, additional cow feed storage, pig enclosures, and rabbit hutch. Our vegetable garden is started even before the garden beds are made. A nursery area has been layed out to start the plants, trees, and shrubs we will use for feeding our girls and landscaping our ecoVillage.

It is a very busy but exciting time. However, we are still seeking funding for the ecoVillage so we can move our girls from our rental facility to their new permanent home. Click here to make a contribution to our ecoVillage campaign.

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