Blog series: Homes for the Holidays
During the Holiday Season, several of our donors and volunteers are sharing some of their most impactful memories of the Season. If you are interested in contributing your memories, click here.
Contributed by: Mary Flieller, Board member, sponsor
One of my earliest memories of Christmas was the year my big sister and I received a pedal tractor. In my mind, receiving a pedal tractor was THE best gift ever! It was a shiny red and it looked just like my Dad’s Farmall. We couldn’t wait to ride it. Our tradition was to open gifts the evening of Christmas Eve and then head to Midnight Mass. The good news was we had a pedal tractor; the bad news was it was too dark outside to give it a spin! My parents saw our disappointment and, to our delight and surprise, they allowed us to ride the tractor in the house! There we went, careening down the hall and barely making the turns. We put it in “high gear” by taking turns pushing each other, trying hard not to hit the walls.

Life was good! I was safe, secure, and happy: the way it should be. I had no idea that there were girls my age who did not receive shiny wrapped gifts for Christmas. I did not realize that having a safe and secure home was a luxury.
We are working hard to ensure the girls of MGRC will have safe and secure homes of their own. And we are making progress. Generous donations have allowed us to complete the multi-purpose center and three of the homes. But we need to raise enough capital to construct additional homes.
The girls are studying hard in school, helping each other with homework and learning the skills that will help them become strong, independent women. The holiday season is full of “asks” and there are many great causes. But what could be better than the gift of a safe and secure home? Unless you are lucky enough to get a pedal tractor!
If you are interested in helping ensure the girls have Homes for the Holidays, please click here.
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