It is hard to believe that 2019 is half over. Many things have happened at MGRC, too many to list them all here. We now have 36 full time girls living at the Center, plus one girl who is here for protection during school break. She is not allowed to go to her father’s boma since he was trying to force her to marry. She is only about 11 or 12. My granddaughter is visiting for a month during her summer break. She is 16 and this is her first trip abroad. She is experiencing a very different culture for the first time. It is a life-changing experience and one that I believe she will never forget. You can read about her experience from her perspective here.
The girls are on school break until early July. They will continue to attend tutoring each day while on break, but we also have many special activities planned for them. The girls are making bead bracelets for some of our donors. They are teaching my granddaughter this art. My granddaughter is a cross country and track runner for her school in Arizona. She has several of the girls run with her while she is running here. I hope they catch on to the benefits. Motivating the girls to do something like running, without understanding the purpose, is difficult. We are trying to help them understand and look to the future, which is something they have not done before in their lives and can be a life-changing experience.
Upcoming visit & fundraisers in the US
I am returning to the States in July, accompanying my granddaughter on her return trip. I will also be visiting many of my friends. It is part of life when we grow older to start losing our friends. We are not totally prepared for facing our mortality.
While in the States, I will also be trying to raise funds for MGRC. We have 36 girls, but 15 of them are not sponsored. I have been funding the shortfall, but will not be able to do so forever. We are also out of room for being able to take any more girls. I am asked weekly to take girls who are in great need. We have 7 girls who are sleeping two to a bed. They are twin beds, not doubles.
We are in the process of negotiating for land in the Longido area. We were promised a 50 acre plot – but after a survey found no water, we had to decline that parcel. There are two promising parcels we are now discussing. Once the water surveys are done we will be able to make a decision. The fundraisers will be to try and get sponsors for our 15 girls who do not have one now, and also to try and get funds to build our own facilities. Please pray for us as we take this next step in the Maasai Girls Rescue Center journey.

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