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Upendo’s fight for her education: Overcoming oppression and handicaps

Upendo’s fight

Upendo came into our lives several years ago, when one of my coordinators told me about an albino girl who lived with her family in a small boma about 3 hours from the center. Being albino is extremely dangerous here. There is a belief among witch doctors that the body parts of people with albinism are especially potent in rituals, leading to many killings. You can read more about what life is like for albinos in this United Nations article.

Her family kept her safe the best way they could. At 11 years old, Upendo had been in hiding her entire life. She had never been more then 10 feet from her boma, and was unable to attend school with her brothers and sisters. Upendo and her family were so happy to have the opportunity to join MGRC where she would be able to safely attend school and live without constant fear for the first time in her life.

I enrolled her into a special program designed for older girls who had never attended school. The program had previously been successful, so it was strange when Upendo’s dedication did not show results. One of our tutors at the center said she may be having trouble seeing the numbers on the board, so we took her to the eye doctor. Many of our girls have needed glasses, so we were surprised when the eye doctor said there was a bigger issue and sent us to a specialist in Moshi. After two eight hour round trip visits to the specialist, we discovered Upendo was legally blind! We were completely floored to find out this because she masked it so well, never complaining or needing assistance.

We were able to get some special equipment to help her with her school work and her day-to-day life. She reads using a small dome magnifier she holds up to the pages so she can scan the words one-by-one. She also has a special pair of glasses and transition lens to protect her eyes from the bright sun.

After having been here about two years, you would never be able to tell Upendo was ever behind. She is caught up in school and is one of the hardest working students. It has been fun seeing Upendo’s true personality come out as she conquered her fear and overcame her challenges. Now she is a very quiet and reserved girl… who everyone knows not to cross. She will always stand up for herself and her beliefs, she is a natural leader. I have no doubt that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.

Don’t take my word for it, hear it from Upendo…


  1. REPLY
    Sharon Berg says

    Dear Upendo,
    We were so pleased to hear your video and your story. You are a very strong girl and will make a wonderful teacher. We will pray for you.
    I think you should ask Uncle Rick for a special plate of Italian pasta as a reward for working so very hard!!!
    Love and blessings,
    Sharon and Howard Berg Proverbs 3:5-6

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      Rick Morro says


      Thanks for the encouraging words. I will be sure to share them with Upendo. Hope all is well back in AZ.


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    Sharon Berg says

    Upendo, we are so very proud of you and how hard you have worked. I have to taught teachers in Tanzania how to be better teachers, and I think you will be one of the best teachers ever. Tell Mr. Rick to make you a big plate of Italian pasta as a reward for you working so hard! With love to you, Howard and Sharon Berg

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    Terri & Jim Clarke says

    Hi, Upendo!
    You speak English very well!
    It is clear that you are a good student.
    You will be a fine teacher!

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      Rick Morro says

      Terry and Jim,

      Thank you for the encouraging words to Upendo. We will be sure to convey your support to her and keep all informed as to her progress. Blessings,

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        Janice Kollar says

        Hi Upendo, You are such a beautiful,brave,smart young lady! Your English is great and I know you will become all you want to be! With God all things are possible! Mark 10:27 God bless you and all the girls at MGRC!!🥰

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          Rick Morro says


          Thank you for the kind encouraging words to Upendo. I will share your note with her and I am sure she will be thrilled to hear people care. These are the reasons the girls keep their drive and focus on success.


          Cousin Rick

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