Help improve the quality of life for the Maasai girls

Our work offers Massai girls a path to break a debilitating cycle of child-mortality, extreme poverty, starvation, FGM, homelessness, and abuses of child-marriage. Through your support, MGRC provides a safe and nurturing environment for these girls to receive an education, medical care, and life skills training – empowering them to become independent, self-sufficient women. 100% of your donation goes directly to the care of the girls.

Maasai Girls Rescue Center accepts online stock donations using Stock Donator, a secure online service.

The online form is short, secure, and straightforward. When you donate, you’ll be set up with a free account with Stock Donator.

STEP 1: You will be asked to fill out stock symbol, number of shares, and the nonprofit organization. Under organization, search for Maasai Girls Rescue Center. The EIN/Tax ID will automatically show.

STEP 2: You will be asked to fill out your personal information to connect your donation to Maasai Girls Rescue Center.

STEP 3: You will be asked to fill out your brokerage information.

After submitting your donation, you will receive a donation receipt via email. Maasai Girls Rescue Center, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by USA law.

MGRC girls say thank you