Experience the rich traditions of the Maasai people while witnessing an innovative approach to disrupt the cycle of poverty.

Cultural Immersion

Make time to visit us on your next trip to Tanzania. One man’s dream to empower at-risk Maasai girls has become a model for breaking the poverty cycle and preserving their rich culture.

MGRC ecoVillage in Tanzania is home to over 70 thriving girls who are learning important life skills and vocations to help them become financially independent.

While visiting you will: 

  • See how Maasai people live in bomas or family compounds.  
  • Tour our Vocational Training facility where our girls learn financial independence.
  • Enjoy traditional Maasai dancing and singing. 
  • Watch traditional spear making and beading. 
  • Listen to stories of the Maasai by knowledgeable Maasai leaders. 
Visitors meeting local Maasai tribal leaders

Self-sustaining Community

In addition to the amazing cultural immersion, you will also see modern agriculture and construction practices at work.  

  • ecoHomes for the girls and house mothers are built sustainably with local materials. 
  • Technology to expand the girls’ knowledge of the world beyond Tanzania. 
  • 3-acre working ecoFarm that can feed 90 people utilizing innovative farming techniques. 
Neema helping on the ecoFarm with harvesting of the bananas

Come visit us and be part of our sustainable future

  • See how Maasai people live in bomas or family compounds.  
  • Tour our facilities and 3-acre working ecoFarm.
  • Engage in shared cultural experience with the residents and staff.
  • You’ll witness our future taking shape with the ecoLodge, opening Fall 2025.

Make plans to visit MGRC ecoVillage in Tanzania and become part of our future!