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Better late than never

It has been a while since I have blogged. Many of my friends, ok, two of my friends have given me a hard time about not writing. I can not write from the Boma where I live, the internet connection is not strong enough for me to connect to this site. I drove to Arusha on Monday with the intention of doing a little shopping and writing this blog.

I had my first real challenge since I have been here – I came down Monday evening with some sort of bug that really kicked my butt. I, of course, thought I could fight it and waited until Wednesday to go to the doctor. The good news is the doctors here are very efficient. I went to urgent care and in less than 15 minutes I was seeing a doctor. After his initial exam I was sent to the lab for blood work. A short wait of another 15 minutes I was back in with the doctor. He prescribed several medicines and I had them filled at the hospital pharmacy. The total cost including medicine was less than $23. I am feeling better but this is the worst bug I have ever had. I will not delay if this ever happens again.

The rest of the story is interesting. I will need to delay my return home this December. We have been promised that the driller will arrive next week to finally drill our bore hole. We waited since May for this to happen so I feel i need to be here to make sure we get what we need.

Good news, the two children at our boma are now attending school. I sponsor them but the good part is their parents are now fully supportive of them going. This took some time to get their trust and permission but the progress is exciting. The father is letting me know that his oldest the girl is doing vey well and he is happy. I am please with this progress.

We have some obstacles and challenges. People from other reorganizations are spreading rumors about us and attacking our mission. We pray for them as they are not motivated by helping the people but elevating themselves.

We are growing slowly but I have said many times that things move slowly here. I have every intention to blog every week by going to Namanga to an internet cafe. This is my intention but the reality may be different. If this blog seems a little disjointed I am still not feeling 100% I may try and send one more blog before I return to the Boma.



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