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A tough place to raise children

It is the dry season in the area I am staying. It has only rained once in the last six months. The Maasai live off the cattle, goats and sheep they raise on their Bomas.

Water is scarce, with a few run off dams still holding some water. This water has been stagnant since the rains ended and is used by so many animals both domestic and aid that the water is very polluted, but it is the only water for some. We have been trying to get a well drilled since May.

We finally got the driller to show up and drill where the surveyor said we had plenty of water. We ended up with a dry hole. The good news is the driller has committed to return and do his own survey and drill as soon as he can fit us in his schedule. We are praying this will be soon.

We have the resources to pay for water at a bore hole only 3 miles from our boma, but those less fortunate are suffering. We hope to help these friends if we are blessed with water on our property. The driller thinks we will be successful and will also take the risk of drilling and only charging us if he finds water for us. this is a very unique offer especially in Tanzania.

We got started with our NGO work this week and started a bead project with 6 volunteer widows who will start the program with us. The women know how to make various bead products, we will fund the material costs, market and sell them which has been their biggest constraint. We also will be adding a sewing class for these women as they are eager to learn this skill and make clothes for the local economy. I will update on the progress of this part of the program as we move forward.

There are many more ideas to help the local poor, widows, orphans and disadvantaged families. The hardest part is to keep focus and not try and start too much too soon. We want to train and hand over the programs as we develop leaders and mentors amongst the people. A challenge but we are confident that if we are honest and truthful in what we are doing we will be able to serve the people with knowledge that can be a life changer. More on programs to come.

It is late and I am in Arusha I am just taking this opportunity to blog since I have access to WiFi at the hotel I am staying. It is much faster than sitting under a tree in the bush so I can get cell modem connections.



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