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Celebrating the milestones in the lives of our new residents and recent graduates

Yeyolai and Nemoipo in graduation caps and gowns

Transforming the lives of at-risk Maasai girls is the heart of our mission at MGRC. It begins with the immediate needs: rescuing them from child marriage and FGM, addressing medical issues and getting them settled into a loving, family environment. As basic needs of food, clothing and shelter are met, we assess each girl and create an individual plan that includes education, counseling, spiritual guidance and vocational training. By deliberate and measurable actions, we empower Maasai girls with the necessary resources to become confident, financially secure, and self-sufficient women.

Each of our girls have a unique background and her own set of gifts and challenges. From new residents to recent graduates, we delight in and celebrate the many milestones of their lives.

Meet our new residents

MGRC has grown by 10 feet! It may be a silly way to say it, but so far this year we have added 5 girls to our family. We are now home to 72 rescued Maasai girls.

Nosim, 2 years old

Nosim was rescued by MGRC after her mother died in childbirth and her father was unable to care for her. She was brought to us at 7 days old having never been fed. We immediately took her to the hospital. Her blood sugar level was dangerously low and she was near death. Fortunately the hospital was able to revive her and we brought her back to MGRC where nurses cared for her. We then took her to Neema Village with the understanding that she would come back to MGRC when she turned 2. Read Nosim’s story

Honest and Happiness, 3 years old

Honest and Happiness, twins, were living with their mother who had an alcohol problem. Their basic needs were not being met, and they were often left alone. A neighbor reported the situation and the girls were taken from the mother and placed in a safe house. After a social welfare investigation, it was determined that the girls would be better off under the care of MGRC.

Neyesu, 6 years old

Neyesu was born in difficult circumstances after her mother was assaulted at age 12. She was raised by her grandparents in a challenging environment until they were unable to care for her or send her to school. Longido Social Welfare asked MGRC to take her in as a permanent resident.

Marry, 13 years old

Marry was living with her mother in the Shinyanga Region. Her mother is mentally challenged and her father died, leaving no one able to care for her. A family friend brought her to MGRC.

Graduation celebration

Yeyolai and Nemoipo [Click for more graduation photos]

It’s graduation season the world over! We recently gathered to celebrate Yeyolai and Nemoipo graduating from the Karatu Modern Vocational Training Center where each was awarded a Basic Certificate in Hotel Management. They wore graduation gowns and walked with their class. After, we had a party at MGRC where they cut the cake. The graduates were given gifts of cards, flowers and clothes.

Both Nemoipo and Yeyolai thanked the staff at MGRC, expressing their love for the girls and promising to pray for them. They advised the girls to study hard and respect their house mothers to achieve success. We are incredibly proud of their progress and look forward to their future.

The path to employment is much different in Tanzania that in the west. It typically takes several years from the completion of education to finding a permanent job. In the meantime, graduates will do unpaid internships, receiving room and board, and sometimes tips. However, once hired permanently, it is challenging for employers to terminate an employee without facing a lawsuit. There are no firings without cause. This means that Yeyolai and Nemoipo will have to wait before securing permanent jobs, but they will continue to gain experience through multiple internships.Yeyolai has already secured her first internship post graduation, and we are thrilled that it’s in Karatu!


  1. REPLY
    Anthony ONeill says

    Wonderful to see the positive impact you are all making to improve the lives of the girls in your care.Keep up the great work,I know it is not easy, the challenges can seem overwhelming at times but never let your resolve waiver. Your work will have a ripple effect for generations to come.

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