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The importance of birthdays at MGRC

six girls sitting in front of their birthday cakes

Most of the girls who come to MGRC have no knowledge of their birth dates. They don’t have birth certificates and have never had the chance to celebrate their birthdays. A lot of them were born in their bomas, enduring the tough conditions in which they entered the world. To establish their ages, we depend on discussions with their parents, grandparents, and neighbors. Moreover, we have started the process of acquiring birth certificates for every girl living at MGRC.

A special day to remember

We often overlook the significance of celebrating birthdays in our culture. However, for girls who have escaped forced marriage and other abuses, these celebrations play a crucial role in building self-esteem. The concept of having a special day dedicated just to them has had a remarkable impact on the girls.

We celebrate one party a month where girls with birthdays in the same month come together. We have cake, soda, and sweets, and all the girls sing together. A monthly calendar is posted with the girls’ birthdays, and we celebrate at the end of the month so each girl can look forward to her party. This helps them remember their birth dates, which they didn’t have a reason to do before coming here.

You can help by dedicating your birthday or contribute to our birthday fund

Help us sustain our monthly birthdays initiative for 6-8 girls. We provide them with birthday cakes, gifts, and, if possible, a shopping spree at the local market. Contribute to our monthly birthday celebration fund.

Some of our supporters have been dedicating their birthday to us through birthday fundraisers on Facebook, and it has been such a nice and humbling suprise! As one person put it:

“I’m dedicating my birthday this year to the birthdays of the 60 girls at the Maasai Girls Rescue Center who could really use the encouragement. Let’s help make their new birthdays unforgettable!”

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