The mission of MGRC is to rescue and transform the lives of at-risk Maasai girls. There are real problems for girls in Maasai communities such as forced marriage, FGM and extreme poverty. But there are beautiful and important aspects of our girls’ heritage that we don’t want them to lose…...
Meet the newest team members at MGRC ecoVillage
MGRC was founded by one person with a vision but has since grown with the support of generous contributors, sponsors, and local residents. The organization has formed strong connections with the community and talented individuals from Tanzania who share its principles. Today, the entire MGRC enterprise is managed by these…...
Celebrating the milestones in the lives of our new residents and recent graduates
In the heart of Maasai land, where challenges are as vast as the plains, MGRC stands as a beacon of hope for at-risk girls. Faced with the threat of child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM), and limited educational opportunities, these young women often find their futures uncertain. MGRC provides a…...
God’s Invisible Hand at Work
Written by: Mary Flieller Hugh IIlsley, former business executive and founder of Identity Sports is a generous and long-time supporter of Maasai Girls Rescue Center. Identity Sports is a Christian Outreach Ministry dedicated to impacting lives by sharing inspirational stories from professional athletes who have found their true identities in…...
How the MGRC ecoLodge supports the growth and well-being of Maasai girls
A successful ecoLodge is not only essential for the financial stability of the girls currently residing at MGRC, but it also guarantees that MGRC can continue to support a greater number of girls in the future. However, in addition to financial security, a thriving ecoLodge will have numerous other positive…...
Our Incredible Experience at MGRC
Guest post by: Judy and Dave Clouse Recently, we had the incredible opportunity to visit Maasai Girls Rescue Center in Tanzania, an organization we have been supporting for over four years. We’re originally from Wisconsin but retired to Arizona where one of our passions is actively volunteering at our church.…...