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Meet the newest team members at MGRC ecoVillage

MGRC was founded by one person with a vision but has since grown with the support of generous contributors, sponsors, and local residents. The organization has formed strong connections with the community and talented individuals from Tanzania who share its principles. Today, the entire MGRC enterprise is managed by these…...

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Celebrating the milestones in the lives of our new residents and recent graduates

Transforming the lives of at-risk Maasai girls is the heart of our mission at MGRC. It begins with the immediate needs: rescuing them from child marriage and FGM, addressing medical issues and getting them settled into a loving, family environment. As basic needs of food, clothing and shelter are met,…...

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Maasai Girls’ ecoVillage Update: Catching Up on the Last 4 Months

Journal Entry by Rick Morro This year has been flying by and there are so many things to catch up on. Here’s what’s been happening the last 4 months. Community celebration At the very end of December, we held our annual community celebration. It was a wonderful time to share…...

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Celebrating the success of our first two graduates

We have entered a new phase of life at MGRC, in that we now have girls who have left the nest and begun their careers. It is the culmination of our mission at MGRC. It is a joy to know that we gave them the tools they needed to spread…...

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God’s Invisible Hand at Work

Written by: Mary Flieller Hugh IIlsley, former business executive and founder of Identity Sports is a generous and long-time supporter of Maasai Girls Rescue Center. Identity Sports is a Christian Outreach Ministry dedicated to impacting lives by sharing inspirational stories from professional athletes who have found their true identities in…...

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2023 Year in Review, Part Two: Education and Development

In our last post we talked about how 2023 brought the huge blessing of completing and moving to our new location. There is something special about finally being home and we are delighted to report that the girls are doing exceptionally well! We remain committed to our goal of equipping…...

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2023 Year in Review Part One: Our New Home 

We couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for all that we have achieved together. Your unwavering support gave the girls of MGRC their best year yet! And so we want to take a moment to reflect on all of the amazing things that happened in 2023.…...

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How the ecoLodge supports the growth and well-being of the girls

A successful ecoLodge is not only essential for the financial stability of the girls currently residing at MGRC, but it also guarantees that MGRC can continue to support a greater number of girls in the future. However, in addition to financial security, a thriving ecoLodge will have numerous other positive…...

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Our Incredible Experience at MGRC 

Guest post by: Judy and Dave Clouse Recently, we had the incredible opportunity to visit Maasai Girls Rescue Center in Tanzania, an organization we have been supporting for over four years. We’re originally from Wisconsin but retired to Arizona where one of our passions is actively volunteering at our church.…...

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Life-changing trip reveals sustainable practices creating a brighter future

Guest post by: Greg Scheu I just returned from a life-changing trip to Tanzania. This wasn’t my first trip to Africa. I had visited in past years, both with my previous multi-national employer, and with the U.S. Federal Government on U.S. to Africa trade missions. I had seen the beauty…...

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