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Help us build bathrooms and classrooms

MGRC girls and their classmates sitting at their desks in a classroom

The girls of MGRC and their schoolmates need your help. The local primary school is severely overcrowded and without bathrooms. The government began a construction project, but it has stalled due to lack of funding. Things move slowly in Tanzania, and it could be years before the project is completed.  

Unfortunately, our girls and their friends simply can’t wait. It is affecting the quality of their education and, even worse, their health. We have had a number of girls contract urinary tract infections due to the lack of bathrooms at the school.  

Our goal is to raise $7,000 to complete the project as soon as possible. It includes building bathrooms, an additional classroom and an administration room. The administration building’s completion will free up a classroom, bringing the total to 12 usable rooms.  

Stalled construction on a classrom in Tanzania

The addition of over 40 MGRC girls, as well as a recent influx of children, brought the student body to over 700. The school only has 11 classrooms, one of which is used for administration and storage. Needless to say, the rooms are overcrowded. Four and five students are squishing into desks made to hold three. Kids are sitting on laps and standing in the backs of classrooms.  

We want better for our girls and for the other students. It is important to MGRC to support our local community. When we first moved to Karatu we provided the school with 30 desks, built by a local craftsman. And when board members were visiting they provided the school with a computer and a printer/copier when they realized the school didn’t have these things.  

We are so thankful to have you, our faithful supporters, to reach out to for help. Join our fundraiser to provide proper facilities and ensure a safe learning environment.

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