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Impact comes from action

Momoi (center holding microphone) was able to use her language skills to translate her friends' testimonies at the Community Celebration. She speaks Maa, Swahili and English.

Life in Africa, much like the rest of the world, is beginning to return to “normal” post pandemic. Tourism is on the rise and hotels in Karatu are filling up. This is great news for the local economy, but it means MGRC has to move out of the hotel we have been leasing sooner than expected.  

In addition, we learned that the girls cannot change schools mid-year (the Tanzanian school year starts in January) due to the national exams 10 of our girls will be taking at the end of 2023. While at the hotel, the girls are attending the local school. However, our permanent home is in a different, and significantly better, school district.  

For these reasons, moving the girls to their permanent home by the end of this year has become urgent. In fact, the girls need to be enrolled in their new school by November 2022 and living on the property before school starts in January. 

Consequently, we need to build at least two of the ten planned homes now. Though not ideal, we will temporarily use the common areas of these homes for dormitory-style sleeping, in addition to putting more girls in each bedroom. The two homes will be used primarily for sleeping, while most other activities take place in the multi-purpose complex. Construction of the two houses will take about 4 months.  

It’s hard to imagine fitting 34 into a space designed for 14, but this solution is temporary until we secure enough funds through impact investment and our ongoing fundraiser to complete the remaining homes. The long-term plan is still to build 10 houses, which will double the number of girls we are able to rescue. Each 5-bedroom house is designed for 12 girls and two house-mothers to live in a family environment. There are three bedrooms and a large community bathroom for the girls, and a bedroom and bathroom for each house mother. There is a large living room, a kitchen and eating area, and a room for studying. 

The last year and a half brought many positive changes for MGRC. When we purchased land in the Karatu region on which to build our ecoVillage and farm, it was a blessing to find a hotel and restaurant space to lease that were unused due to the pandemic. The time we spent here allowed us to focus on building the security wall and getting the farm fully operational. The multi-purpose complex, which includes the kitchen needed to feed 60 girls, is close to being finished. We can now move our attention to the girls’ permanent homes.  

Each house will cost $127,000. This is a lot of money but, for a 4,069 square foot house, it comes out to only $31 a square foot.

Inspirational girls’ homes drawing for ecoVillage.

“Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch. For the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow.”



  1. REPLY
    Sharon Berg says

    Having just been there I know the incredible impact you are making in saving these girls! I am amazed at how each one seems to be progressing beautifully. This new info about the school situation for the P7 girls and needing the buildings by the end of the year is crazy. BUT God has brought you thru more challenging situations than this, and I know he will bring you thru this!!! You have our prayers and backing all the way!!!

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