The Maasai Girls Rescue Center (MGRC) is a haven for young girls in Tanzania, providing them with education, safety, and a nurturing environment. But MGRC’s vision goes beyond just these immediate needs. We want to empower our girls to become self-sufficient, capable of not only feeding themselves but also contributing…...
How the MGRC ecoLodge supports the growth and well-being of Maasai girls
A successful ecoLodge is not only essential for the financial stability of the girls currently residing at MGRC, but it also guarantees that MGRC can continue to support a greater number of girls in the future. However, in addition to financial security, a thriving ecoLodge will have numerous other positive…...
Recognized for sustainable strategy with individual focus for girls’ future
Word is out in Tanzania about MGRC. We are being recognized for our unique sustainable strategy, and keen individual focus for each of our girls’ future. Our innovative social enterprise business model is setting an example for other social enterprises to follow in achieving sustainable social impact. A model for…...
2022 in review
The girls’ health and well-being is the best measure of our success at Maasai Girls Rescue Center. And by this standard, we had an awesome in year! The girls continue to thrive and surprise us in wonderful ways. That said, we faced several unanticipated challenges and disappointments in 2022; but with…...