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To our “Prayer Warriors”

With God nothing will be impossible.

Luke 1:37 NKJV

We are truly blessed at MGRC to have prayers coming from all around the world. Some of our girls are facing severe challenges or are in situations that could use extra support and encouragement.

After we wrote about Bahati’s progress with regaining her vision, one of our supporters had the great idea for us to put together a prayer list that we will update as the need arises. “Your prayer warriors can be on this!” she said. I love it, thank you!

🖨️ Download a printable version of this prayer list.

Upendo was brought to us by her grandmother in 2019. Similar story to most. Her parents left Upendo with her aging grandmother. She is a little different though, she has scoliosis of the spine. A significant curvature. I took her to the hospital and to Plaster House. There is nothing that can be done to correct her condition. Upendo was also severely malnourished. The Plaster House doctor cried when I told her MGRC would take her. The doctor knew we were out of room but we could not say no. Every week, MGRC takes her to get her medicine in Longido Dispensary. Longido Hospital also says she has TB and MGRC gives here medicine for that every day.

Maria was brought to MGRC by her grandmother. She has a skin condition (psoriasis) which went untreated. Her family thought she was possessed by evil or some other curse. She was not allowed to attend school and was shunned by family and neighbors. Since coming to MGRC Maria has been attending school, has received medical treatment for her skin condition.

Sinyati came to us with an eye problem. She had Tacoma which if left untreated results in total blindness. She has undergone successful surgery and we are looking forward to her full recovery.

Bahati had surgery on her eyes when she was younger but did not receive proper post-surgery medical care. She now has severe vision problems. We take her monthly to KCMC in Moshi for therapy and follow up check ups 

Upendo is albino, which is considered a curse in her culture. She grew up Kilimanjaro region, but was ostracized and heard of albinos being killed. Even the other girls in her village wouldn’t play with her. Upendo has severe eye problems due to her albino condition. We took her to the eye specialists in Moshi KCMC and her vision will not really improve but they gave us special glasses and tools to help her see. We are teaching her brail because her eye condition only allows her to see one letter at a time.

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