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A new beginning

Well today is a good day. I officially received my new Tanzanian Residence Permit.

I originally came to Tanzania to work as a volunteer for a church funded NGO. That did not work out as I expected so I reapplied through a new organization which a Tanzanian friend and I have started. It is called Osiligi Maasai Organization. Our intent is to help the widows, orphans and the poor in the northern Tanzania area, the Longido district. This is an area on the border of Tanzania and Kenya.

I have moved to the area and now live with the Maasai and am experiencing the daily struggles they encounter just to survive. We have many ideas about how to help the people. Our main objective is to teach through example and develop programs that generate capital to fund the various projects we envision. I will blog about these projects as they develop. I am excited to be able to work with such dedicated people who want to help their people.

My internet service is via cell phone modems so my connections do not always allow me to upload very big data files. I hope to be able to post pictures of the various projects and their growth over the next few months. the posting may not come on a regular basis but ai will certainly try and keep everyone interested informed.

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