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And then there were 33

Meet the girls

I am sitting here wanting to share many activities that have been going on in the life of MGRC.  I always state that I am not the best writer in the world. I have been asked to do video messages as my gift for gab is better than my writing skills. I am looking for a tripod for my camera and will start to try and blog some via video, hopefully soon.

I am getting excited about my granddaughter’s visit the end of the month. She is 16, and this will be here first travel outside the USA and experience with a different culture. I will blog about her adventure next month.

33 girls, 21 sponsors

It has been a very busy time at MGRC. We now have 33 full time girls. I get in trouble with my board since we only have 21 sponsored so far. I can’t help taking a girl who is starving, or running away from a forced marriage. I believe God will answer these girls prayers. I know He will provide. MGRC also helps the local government when they rescue girls from families who are not allowing them to go to school. We have 3 additional girls who have been with us for six weeks now. They are waiting for the government to place them in boarding school. They are only 11 to 12 years old and have never been to school. I would take them but we are totally out of room in our rental facilities at LOOCIP.

Sustainable projects

MGRC has formed a Trust company which will operate as an official Tanzanian NGO. This will allow us to acquire land and build our own facilities and develop sustainable projects. Projects like raising chickens, growing vegetables, raising goats, and raising zero grazing dairy cows. Each project is intended to pay for itself and possibly produce additional income for MGRC. We will also use these projects to teach the girls modern techniques and best practices so they can use this knowledge in the future support of their families and villages.

Upcoming trip to the US

I will be returning to the States the first week of July to assist my granddaughter’s return. I will be staying for about 6 weeks. Several friends are setting up fundraising events to help us find donors for our unsponsored girls and possible raise money to start our building program. I am in the process of discussing acquiring land in Longido district not far from LOOCIP and the schools the girls are attending. The government is looking into gifting us a parcel for the MGRC campus. I hope to get confirmation of the land prior to returning to the States. I will keep all posted.

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