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Celebrating the success of our first two graduates

We have entered a new phase of life at MGRC, in that we now have girls who have left the nest and begun their careers. It is the culmination of our mission at MGRC. It is a joy to know that we gave them the tools they needed to spread…...

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Help us build bathrooms and classrooms

The girls of MGRC and their schoolmates need your help. The local primary school is severely overcrowded and without bathrooms. The government began a construction project, but it has stalled due to lack of funding. Things move slowly in Tanzania, and it could be years before the project is completed.  …...

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God’s Invisible Hand at Work

Written by: Mary Flieller Hugh IIlsley, former business executive and founder of Identity Sports is a generous and long-time supporter of Maasai Girls Rescue Center. Identity Sports is a Christian Outreach Ministry dedicated to impacting lives by sharing inspirational stories from professional athletes who have found their true identities in…...

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