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Baby or bike?

young girl sitting on a couch holding her baby sister on her lap

Blog series: Homes for the Holidays 

During the Holiday Season, several of our donors and volunteers are sharing some of their most impactful memories of the Season. If you are interested in contributing your memories, click here

Contributed by: Joyce Hammond, Board Treasurer, Sponsor 

One of my favorite Christmas memories is the year our second daughter was born…exactly one week before Christmas. Our oldest daughter loved “her” early Christmas gift of a baby sister! Celebrating our blessings in our home with our expanding family was indeed special, but Christmas was also special because it was the year of the missing bolt.

young girl holding her baby sister
young girl braiding her sisters hair

On Christmas morning, our oldest daughter, age 2 was “helping” her daddy put together her present: a brand-new (red) tricycle. Things were going well…but when the time came to attach the handlebars, we couldn’t find the special square bolt that held it together. We looked everywhere: shaking out used wrapping paper, inside boxes of opened gifts, under the furniture…it was nowhere to be found. All throughout our search, our daughter kept telling us that the bolt was IN the handlebars. We finally heard her…apparently, she had slipped the bolt inside the bike as her daddy was packing the handlebar fitting with grease! We looked and sure enough there was the missing bolt.

The tricycle was a favorite toy not just that day by that child, but by all three of our children. But as special as that bike was, our older daughter thought her new baby sister was the best present ever!

Family and holiday memories like this are precious and we want the girls of MGRC to have similar memories. We are working hard to ensure they will have safe and secure homes to build those memories. Generous donations have allowed us to complete the multi-purpose center and three of the homes. But we need to raise enough capital to construct additional homes.

We know the holiday season is full of “asks” and there are many great causes. But what could be better than the gift of a safe and secure home? Unless you are lucky enough to get a baby sister AND a tricycle!

If you are interested in helping ensure the girls have Homes for the Holidays, please click here.

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