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Feeling thankful even in a challenging year

2020 has been a difficult year, no further explanation necessary on that topic. When everything you see is negative, I would like to take a moment to share a few things I am thankful for…

1) Proof the Program is working: Words cannot describe how thankful, grateful, and overwhelming proud I am to see the program is working. We have moved from just rescuing the girls to developing them. I am watching the girls become more confident, develop their personalities, and seeing them move from living one day at a time to working diligently towards achieving a better future for themselves.  

2) Volunteers, Sponsors and Supporters: Because we have very little overhead, we are able to feed a girl for $10 a week. We are now feeding for 58 girls and 13 staff. I’m amazed at how we have grown!

I am also thankful for our live-in matrons and full-time cooks, they are truly dedicated to the health and wellbeing of these rescued girls. Last year we had a 16-year-old volunteer come and stay with us for two weeks, if you missed that story you can read it here: Guest post from a 16 year old volunteer: The most surprising things about my trip to MGRC. She talks about her experiences and what it was like coming from the abundance that we have come to take for granted in America to life in Tanzania.

3) Health: The girls are staying healthy during this global pandemic. Each time a girl joins us, we take her for a full medical exam. Several of the girls have had issues with their eyes. Recently we shared a story about brave Upendo, who turned out to be legally blind after visiting the eye doctor. Bahati’s also had to see several eye doctors and specialists after coming to us. In her case we were given a few things to try and are happy to report it is working. Did you see her story?

MGRC Girls dancing and having fun

4) A bright future: The goal is to create a self-sustaining organization to support our mission. The new campus will include living quarters for approximately 100 young girls, a pre-school, vocational training area, dining hall, volunteer living quarters, livestock barns and gardens for sustainable farming. Read Full Article

MGRC’s new campus concept

What are you feeling thankful for? Post your comments…                  

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