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One Day at a Time

I have been back in Tanzania for over four weeks now. It is a bit stunning that in some ways it seems I never left and in another way, as if I just got here. I really enjoyed my visit with family and friends. This was my second trip back home since I committed to living in Tanzania and so far it was the best. My children and grandchildren made this trip very special. It was hard to return but impossible to stay. It is difficult for me to explain why I return here. I get frustrated by my lack of accomplishment but feel strongly that I am suppose to be here even though I do not know what I am suppose to be doing. I have been a student of living life one day at a time, and most of my friends know I am a very slow learner. This is not my nature as I am a person who thinks and wants to be in control. I understand that we control nothing but follow a path set for us by our Creator. One day at a time.

When I left for the States, I had several difficult things to sort out. I have been given several choices as to what path to take. I am trying to be patient and wait for a clear answer as to what direction to take. I know regardless which door I walk through it will be what was supposed to be.

I have been given an opportunity to start an orphanage and help children of the Arusha area. I also have been given an opportunity to start a school which is much needed in this country. I am weighing these and trying to see where I best fit. Each has its challenges and neither fits my skill set perfectly. Maybe that is why I have been given these choices. I will see.

I have been enjoying being back at my house in the bush. I do not enjoy fetching water every day but the peace and quiet are very nice. We have been experiencing a severe drought and even the wild animals have moved from here. The only ones left right now are the impalas and gazelles which need little moisture and eat from the trees and bushes which seem to be ok now. One of my friends baby cows got out and were killed by hyenas. This was a big loss for my friend. This is a difficult place and the poor suffer much. I am not sure how to best help as the culture leads them to this type disaster.

The positive of this is that at least three Maasai leaders have expressed their desire to get out of the cattle business. They have listened to reason and looked at the profitability over the life of a cow and have determined it just was not a good business financially. I hope these leaders pass on the benefits to their other tribe members and look for other ways of making a living.

We will be starting our Saturday morning seminars at our Boma. We will be teaching small business concepts and looking at ways that the local people can possibly succeed in this difficult area.

I will be reopening the shop, which I closed when I returned to the States. Many of my friends and neighbors are anxious for me to reopen, as it is a very convenient place for them to get groceries.

Many projects to think about and as we all know things move slowly in Tanzania. I just may get use to this pace. It gives one a real chance to enjoy the day and appreciate the gift that is given to us.

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