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Sayuni’s Story, Staying Busy & Planning for the Future


I am behind in writing my blog. I could use the excuse that I have been extremely busy but there is always time to send information and keep people informed. It has been a very exciting year so far. We had several successful projects that will help our girls now and in the future. We raised money for a freezer and we butchered a cow so the girls will have more meat per week at a lower cost to us. We purchased 72 of the 100 goats we raised money for. We are still looking for the quality and fair price to complete the project. We hired a good Shepard who is taking care of the goats and are hopeful that this project will provide meat and some money for MGRC. We had a sewing machine donated to our seamstress. She is now making the girls MGRC dresses and school dresses. She is also teaching the older girls how to sew. We will increase this vocational program in the near future.

Sayuni’s Story

We currently sponsor 20 girls, which is a true blessing. However, we have eight girls on our waiting list who are in desperate need, and we receive new requests to join almost every day. It’s heartbreaking to have to turn down children who need help, but there are some cases where I cannot refuse the most desperate ones.

Sayuni’s story is not unique but is an example of my current situation. Our Memqua teacher at Longido Primary sent me a message about a program designed to help older children who never went to school catch up using an accelerated teaching method. We have several girls enrolled in this program and they have been successful. One day, the teacher met me at MGRC with a mother and daughter named Sayuni. The mother fled from her husband in Ngorangoro because he wanted to prevent Sayuni from attending school and force her into marriage. The mother arrived in Longido in January with nothing and found a family willing to take Sayuni only if she did household chores for them. However, this family was harsh and frequently beat Sayuni for small mistakes. When I met Sayuni, she appeared frightened. Her mother was trying to find a way out of this situation.

The teacher recommended Sayuni for MGRC despite her circumstances. We agreed and now need a new sponsor. This is the hardest part of my job: deciding who to accept and asking for financial help. It’s tough for me to ask for support, but I know it’s necessary for the girls at the Center.

Staying Busy & Planning for the Future

This year, I attended two weddings in my village in Orkesmut. The picture above shows one of the brides, following the Maasai tradition of hiding her face before the ceremony. These festive events allow me to reconnect with old neighbors, although I don’t visit my house on the border as often as I’d like to due to my busy schedule at MGRC in Longido, which is over an hour away. I am grateful to have a supportive staff that helps with day-to-day tasks, although there always seems to be plenty to do. However, I don’t want my words to come across as complaining or bragging.

We are outgrowing the LOOCIP facilities and are looking for land to build our own campus. Pray for us as we search for the right property and funds to make this transition. It will be a great step in helping our girls understand and achieve a prosperous future.

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