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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

The girls had a great Christmas and are enjoying their winter break! We hosted a Christmas celebration that was attended by the local government officials, neighbors, our staff and, of course, our girls. It was wonderful to see the dining room decorated (complete with MGRC’s first Christmas tree!) and full of food and laughter, just like it should be at Christmas. Each girl received a package with a new tracksuit, t-shirt, shoes, socks, books, a small Bible and candy. They are so grateful for everything they receive and their joy is infectious! 

Construction continues, though we have hit a few roadblocks. Supply-chain issues are a thing in Tanzania, too! Fortunately, the multi-purpose complex is done and workers are leveling the land and laying pavers, which will be a great help in reducing the amount of dirt and dust tracked inside.  

Two of the homes are near completion and the third house is expected to be complete in end of January. We also have started phase 1 of our secure water project, drilling a well, which is very exciting! Having our own water source is so important, especially with the drought Tanzania has been experiencing. 

The construction delays have forced us to change our move to the end of January. Though we’re disappointed, we are grateful that the schools have made an exception and are allowing the girls to start the new year at their old school until we are in the new location. Another blessing in this delay is that a third house should be ready in time for the move.  

 In the middle of so many changes, our work goes on. We have added two new girls and continue to foster the family of four we took in last month. The girls completed another great school year and we were happy to have several volunteers visit. Threads of Hope sent the girls new dresses, which is always such a huge blessing! 

I am so grateful to everyone who contributes to our success at MGRC. And I am grateful to God for continuing to answer our prayers and provide for the girls’ needs. I am looking forward to what the new year brings!  

Happy New Year! 



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