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Recognized for sustainable strategy with individual focus for girls’ future

Word is out in Tanzania about MGRC. We are being recognized for our unique sustainable strategy, and keen individual focus for each of our girls’ future.

The regional government social welfare office was so impressed with our model he spent a day at MGRC reviewing our strategy, processes, metrics and business system. He then told all the children’s home charities within his region that ours is the model they should be following.

This has led to several busloads of charity leaders coming to MGRC to understand our sustainable strategies and processes. What these charity leaders recognized is that we aren’t like everyone else. What they saw isn’t just our nice new facilities, but the processes and systems we have in place to track, measure and improve every aspect of our organization. And while these practices might seem obvious to some, I assure you, most of the organizations here don’t do any of these things. We run MGRC like a business. Our leadership is made of entrepreneurs and business leaders who don’t want to just treat symptoms, but efficiently solve issues.

The social welfare minister and other charity leaders recognized another significant difference: our commitment to individualized plans for each child to help see a way to independence. Some girls do well in an academic environment, particularly the younger girls. However, the girls who join us at a later stage in life without any prior schooling experience, it may not always be feasible for them to complete their education within the formal government school system. In such cases, we dedicate significant individual attention to each girl, taking the time to understand her unique abilities and skills in order to guide her towards a suitable life trajectory.

Many organizations provide basic needs for life, but when a child turns 18, they are unprepared for independence. This perpetuates a cycle of dependency. To address this, we have implemented a career training program for girls. From an early age, they are introduced to a range of different professions including cooking, baking, sewing, farming, as well as computer and business skills.

When the girls are 18, they can enter a vocational school that will train them and help them find a job upon completion. We recently enrolled our first two girls in this program, and they are thriving! They are feeling proud and secure, knowing they have a plan for their future.

Finally, the most significant attribute that most sets us apart from other charities is that we don’t plan on being a charity forever. Our social enterprise model will allow us to eventually break the bonds of dependency. We’re building an ecoLodge for tourists to stay and enjoy the natural wonders. Profits will support the girls’ welfare and provide them with hospitality industry skills, boosting their job prospects..

It is truly rewarding to see our vision inspire more organizations to look at charity in a new way and to pave a path to a better future for our Maasai girls, and all Tanzanian children.


  1. REPLY
    Vic Rice says

    A hearty congratulations to you and your entire team Rick. Having known you for decades, nothing about the evolution of MGRC is surprising. I feel privileged to be able to contribute to an organization like MGRC. Charities like MGRC are few and far between.

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