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Returning from my Trip to the States

I have been back in Longido, Tanzania for a couple weeks now. During my trip to the States, we received commitment to sponsor 8 more girls. We also raised some funds to cover our short-term care of the unsponsored girls. We still have 13 more sponsorships to cover, and have to turn away girls who are in desperate need daily. We will continue to pray for all the girls to be sponsored by a caring person or family in the near future.

Imagine the excitement!

It is great to be back with the girls. I brought them several gifts that were donated from their sponsors and friends. The Scottsdale Bible Sewing Ministry donated 86 custom made dresses for our girls. Each girl got two dresses and we have some extras for any new girl we may need to help. I was given so many other items, DVD movies, ping-pong game, board games and dolls for the girls. It was a very exciting time for the MGRC girls as they have never before had an experience like this.

Our volunteers and the girls had a great time playing ping pong.

Medical supplies procured for local hospitals

I was privileged to assist Project Cure with evaluating the needs of three Longido medical facilities. We were able to raise enough funds for Project Cure to ship a 40-foot container of medical equipment and supplies to help these Longido hospitals. The Project Cure evaluation team did an outstanding job working with our District Medical Officer and his team in determining the priorities for the shipment.

Back to my long to-do list

It is difficult when I first come back as there is much to do. I am always met with many people needing help. It is difficult to support all, but we need to try. I have several children who I will take to the hospital this week. Some with eye problems, some skin conditions and some with bent legs. It will be a busy week.

I always promise my board that I will try not to take any new girls until we get sponsors for the girls who are waiting. It is so difficult to do though. Today a grandmother came with an orphan girl. The grandmother and girl were so weak from hunger that I had to take the girl and feed the grandmother too. We will find some way to support her as she is about 7 or 8 years old and never attended school. I will be posting more about Upendo, as soon as I get a decent network connection.

We are still evaluating land and waiting for the survey to see which parcel has the most water for our well. We are praying for enough water to support our center and the projects we envision.

Makayla has tried to call several times to talk to the girls she befriended. We have missed the connection each time but will continue to try. You can read more about Makayla’s adventure here.

40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Bruce and Joyce, our marketing firm’s owners, visited MGRC and then went on Safari to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. It was great to see them and exciting for them to see their sponsored girls and the MGRC facilities and staff. Have a big event coming up? Come see us! I can promise you an experience you will need forget.

Joyce and Bruce celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on a safari after visiting MGRC.

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