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Upon My Return

I returned from my annual visit to the States. It was a great time visiting family and friends. Everyone back home is doing well. It is great to see how grown-up my grandchildren are getting. My daughter’s oldest is now 16. Time really does fly by. It is a reminder to enjoy each day as the gift it is. When I am away from my home in Tanznaia I get anxious to return. I think about the 21 girls who are at the Maasai Girls Rescue Center (MGRC) and I want to be sure that they are receiving the care and nurturing they deserve. It was very rewarding to see that the MGRC staff took very good care of all the girls. I may have to leave more often. 🙂

Upon my return, we were fortunate in getting 2 more girls sponsored this month. We now have 13 girls sponsored and 8 girls still needing assistance. We have an even longer waiting list to join us at MGRC but due to financial constraints we cannot take them at this time.

This is a very busy time at MGRC

The girls finished school as Tanznaia schedules a calendar school year. All our girls did exceptionally well with one of our girls finishing first in her class and two of our girls finishing second in each of their respective classes. Not bad for girls who did not attend any school prior to coming to MGRC.

The end of the year is filled with various celebrations in Maasai land

There are many weddings, graduations, and other celebrations planned along with Christmas and New Year. It is a happy time and also a very busy time. I am looking forward to ending this years successes. We are looking forward to the challenges of next year and the future. MGRC is so thankful for all the supporters both financially and personally. We invite you to join us in Longido Tanzania at any time you wish. I can guarantee you will have an experience of a lifetime.

Merry Christmas!

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