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Why I’m asking for goats for Christmas

goats for christmas project

Raising goats at our center will provide sustainable food source for our girls. I believe in this sustainable project and as with everything I do I weigh the short and long term benefits – this project will make a lasting impact.  Goats thrive very well in our climate and our land provides plenty of grass for them to graze on. They provide milk (which is a staple of the Maasai diet) and cheese. Goats are practical animals — flourishing in harsh climates while producing valuable manure to fertilize the vegetable garden

Their milk provides great protein to help children grow. MGRC can also sell any extra to put the money towards other necessities. A dairy goat can give up to 16 cups of milk a day. Goat’s milk is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients that growing children need.

We will be building a small shed for the Shepard and fencing to protect the goats at night from wild animals. The surrounding area which is free range for livestock would provide sufficient food for the goats. The overhead costs of the project would be the hiring of a Shepard, (approximately $50 a month), minerals (less than $10 a month), and medicine which less than $25 a month. Our Goats for Christmas project goal is to start with 100 goats, which will be enough to nourish our girls with enough excess goat milk to sell in order to cover the costs in caring for the herd. This project is truly sustainable!

For only $35 we can purchase a young, healthy breeding female goat. Will you please help us by sponsoring a goat for Christmas? Your dairy goat will make such a positive impact to the health and well being of the girls here at MGRC.

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